

Hi I’m Bas, and I set up Cannyangler.com for anglers who want to up their game. Seasoned or just starting out, it doesn’t matter.

You learn by making mistakes and I have certainly made a lot of them. Gaining experience at the waterside is the most important thing, but there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. When I started fishing as a kid I was lucky enough to meet someone who pointed me in the right directions. His name was Jan and he was an eighty-something-year-old, foul-mouthed, walking data-base. I still think about him a lot. But not everybody has a Jan, that’s why I set up cannyangler.com.

The blog is based on my own experiences, the mistakes I made and the solutions I found, mostly with the help of other anglers. My first blog posts will be mostly about sea fishing – because that’s the type of fishing I do most at the moment – but I’m planning to write about coarse fishing too.

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